What to Do if You Have Roof Damage After a Storm

Whether it’s hurricanes on the East Coast or extreme weather in America’s heartland, roof damage due to severe weather is common.

But what do you do when you get hail damage or wind damage, and what steps do you take to remedy it? Let’s not forget, who’s going to pay to replace it? Is it covered by my homeowner’s insurance?

These stressful questions are usually the first ones on everyone’s mind, but there are answers.

I Have Roof Damage — What Now?

After a wind storm, hail storm, or heavy thunderstorm, it’s a good idea to follow an action plan. So what should you do after a storm? Usually, the steps go something like this:

  • Safety first, wait for the storm to finish
  • Assess the damage
  • Document the damage
  • Contact your insurance company
  • Get repairs done as quickly as is reasonable

After the weather event has finished, it’s time to grab your phone for its camera and notetaking capabilities and have a stroll around your home and property.

First, take note of anything on the ground that is out of place or missing. Trees or other debris may have fallen, shifted, or moved. If there are any tree limbs on the ground, it’s important to look for any damage they may have caused on their fall.

Damage to gutters or fascia can affect the roof’s integrity.

Unless you are equipped for it and trained for investigating your roof up close, stay on the ground and try to get an idea of any damage to the roof you can see. If there are any signs of moisture inside the home, likely there’s a roof leak, although it may not appear right away.

Document the time and day you found damage and take a picture. Some signs to look for are:

  • Shifted or discolored shingles
  • Missing shingles
  • Standing water
  • Bubbled, dipping, or uneven areas

To get a detailed and professional assessment is another option, and the most thorough, if you suspect any damage at all.

It’s very important to remember that any inaction on your part could affect the outcome of who pays for repairing roof damage.

Speaking of that . . .

Who Pays to Repair Roof Damage?

Knowing what your home’s insurance policy covers is the first step. If you’re in an area that is prone to intense weather, this should be a priority before buying a policy.

Shingle roofs are rated to last 20 years, but the reality is that some shingle roof homes in stormy areas can go about 10 years before having issues that need attention.

That being said, homeowner’s insurance covers roof damage a majority of the time. There are many factors outside of a homeowner’s control, such as storms.

Depending on the carrier, you often have from 1-2 years to file a claim for roof replacement. But it’s always best to contact them as soon as you have documented the damage and have a plan of action.

The longer you wait without taking action, the more likely the damage will spread. This includes water damage inside the home due to leaks.

Based on the notes and photos you collected, they can also help to advise you on the next steps. Your company may send its own assessor or inspector for evaluation, too. Once they’ve approved it, your repairs are ready to begin.

Roof Replacement: The Quality You Need

Don’t let roof damage stress you out. Follow the advice in this article to have the plan of action you need – and then work the plan.

Do you need roof repair, or want the best quality roof replacement in the greater Cincinnati area?

Look no further than Guaranteed Roofing. We do roofing, siding, gutters, and windows at the highest level of craftsmanship. We’ve been working on roofs and homes for thirty years and have the experience and community trust you need in a roofer.

Contact us today with your questions. We’ll keep you covered!

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